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First hunt: part 3

Every minute passing perplexed more and more the hunters, the silver demon's movements were not what they have predicted, he did not show any interest in the town or its people, and his calm attitude did not project any eminent unexpected attack, he was as though simply passing by as if the town just happened to be in his way, this was confirmed when he crossed the river that marked the southern border of the town, without as much as breaking a twig.

Now this is good news for the town, and the townspeople observing secretively and anxiously from behind closed doors and windows were relieved, there were zero casualties, great, we live to fight another day.

This unforeseen revelation, however, was met with a different reaction from the group of hunters, this turn of events created an unwelcome confusion within the ranks, which in turn led to conflicting ideas and reaction, and an unplanned course of action, the crowman, seemingly disappointed and somewhat angry, called the troupe to cancel the mission and go back, he had a number of acquaintances in the field that supported his proposition, others went with that train of thought as well without fully supporting it, they simply needed a routine to put an end to the confusion, the 'legerfeet' left their posts as it was implied that this hunt was effectively terminated, the hunters started to disperse in all directions.

In the midst of this perplexity, the novice hunter had the most intriguing reaction of the crowd, he looked fascinated, almost in admiration, at the silver demon as he walks away from the town, the surprise made him even more invested than he was, he burned high and lively as he gazed onto the demon with the silver blade, '' the silver demon'' he said in a whisper, '' what do you have in mind for this evening'', he was having the time of his life.

As the hunters disappeared progressively, three seemed undeterred, the novice hunter, an old hunter who was followed by mysterious snakes, and a militant sniper with undeniable experience showing on his visage, they exchanged inquiring looks for a while, which was only normal, anyone who decides to stay under these circumstances must have some sort of insight or personal agenda, but they did not question, the atmosphere between the two veterans was somewhat unfriendly, however, and the three made an unspoken agreement to advance separately, the sniper seemed indifferent to the presence of the two rivals, and it was clear that he had come up with an on-the-spot plan, he withdrew away from the main course, and swiftly proceeded into the surrounding forest.

The old man gazed on the novice hunter angrily, as if he was a nuisance, his presence seemed to hinder what the old man had in mind, his eyes emitting waves of unrefined anger, he approached the novice while trying to calm himself, it appeared to the novice that he was more angry than hostile, and he looked at him firmly, ''why are you still here'' said the elder in a venomous pitch

'' calm yourself old-timer'' he replied steadily, '' I want that silver''
'' the demon is out of territory, the bounty is no longer applied'' rebutted the elder
'' I meant the silver blade, I fancy it''
'' that demon is way too dangerous to approach for free, child''
'' what do you want, why do you question me?''
'' your presence here is unjustified'' said the elder, ''go home''
'' I do not answer to you, and I can say the same thing about you'' he replied, ''but you won't answer me, would you?'' he grinned
'' No I won't'' he firmly replied when he sensed the implicit change in the hierarchy that the novice was trying to establish, '' my presence here is a personal choice, so is yours apparently, but I fear you might intervene to my disadvantage, I want you gone''

The novice was fascinated with how easily the elder snake master uncovered and countered his technique, he was trying to have the higher ground on the argument and lead it, but he was easily put down. 

'' I will not intervene even if you needed it'' said the hunter, '' you do what you must, and when you die I will make my move'' he smiled.
'' Okay then, but you will wait long'' smiled the snake master
'' Now call of your snake, I saw him dissimulate into the grass when you came, I would not want to decapitate it''
'' You are better than I thought'' commented the elder, ''but still not as good as you think'', the snake jumped out of the grass and crept into the clothing of his master, he moved forward following the course of the pale demon.

The novice moved into the bushes and followed from a distance, '' die-hard, old man'' he thought, he inspected the area and noticed a shadowy figure pacing on the trees, on another side of the course, it was the sniper from earlier, he was searching for his optimal setting on the branches, the sight excited him so much he could not contain his ardent smile, the atmosphere tensioned, the sun was setting and the night crept maliciously, The pale demon was approaching the pathway leading to the mountain known as the hermit. then he stopped. 



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first hunt

Bounty hunting is a soulless business