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Showing posts from March, 2016

First hunt part 6 : Light & Dust

Just before he could come down on the two hunters with all his might, Cross was Hit in the chest with a projectile, a 10 cm long bullet fired by the sniper. The dust around the rookie and the old snake was clearing up, the projectile took Cross completely by surprise which gave the two a couple of supplementary seconds, which they could have either used for escaping or otherwise, now, if logic is to be followed here, the best possible course of action would have been to use these precious seconds to escape, which would have been entirely possible, the old snake was as light as a feather, the youngster was fast on his feet as demonstrated by him blocking the demon's attack at near point black, they could raise more dust to obscure vision and dash away from doom, it is feasible, logical, in fact, this, any other day, would have been a no-brainer, for the rookie as well as the snake, but not today.  Now, this rookie was a peculiar spirit, his way of perceiving situations and...

first hunt part 5 : Krait

A head-on clash ensued, between the old venomous Krait and the pale demon, Cross, who is now determined to kill the snake, even if he does not recognize him or remember his story, the old man was an annoying hindrance, and he indulged him long enough. Krait had a very different perspective on the current events, he had been traveling for years now, chasing shadows, looking for meaning, since the day his wife was sliced open, at his feet back at the Borrows, he made a solemn oath to kill Cross, he joined the Bounty hunters for this sole purpose, and even though he has enjoyed the hunt occasionally, he never lost sight of his goal, the face of his wife haunted him every night, he wanted to pay his debt and free himself, for him, this encounter could not have gone any better, and at the end of it, whether victorious or slain, the one thing he was sure of was that he'd be free, and this sense of relief made him formidable. The rookie hunter continued to watch from afar, immer...

First hunt part 4 : Cross

The pale demon slowed down, stopped, and turned around. Behind him on the field was the snake master, full of disdain, the rookie hunter hid in the bushes far enough to not be noticed, the hate gave the old man life and reddened his otherwise yellow face, his face instantly gave away his animosity, he was not here for a friendly chat. The demon, on the other hand, was a little difficult to assess, he didn't demonstrate any signs of grudge or any sort of a preconceived plan as to how handle this situation, all he was simply surprised, angrily surprised, which was completely genuine, he did not understand why the old hunter was following him, and his misunderstanding led to minor bouts of anger that were directed towards the situation rather than the people involved, so at that moment he was not resolved to combat.  The lack of recognition of the part of the demon angered the old snake, he lost his composure and gave a poisonous grimace to the demon.   ''...