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first hunt part 5 : Krait

A head-on clash ensued, between the old venomous Krait and the pale demon, Cross, who is now determined to kill the snake, even if he does not recognize him or remember his story, the old man was an annoying hindrance, and he indulged him long enough.

Krait had a very different perspective on the current events, he had been traveling for years now, chasing shadows, looking for meaning, since the day his wife was sliced open, at his feet back at the Borrows, he made a solemn oath to kill Cross, he joined the Bounty hunters for this sole purpose, and even though he has enjoyed the hunt occasionally, he never lost sight of his goal, the face of his wife haunted him every night, he wanted to pay his debt and free himself, for him, this encounter could not have gone any better, and at the end of it, whether victorious or slain, the one thing he was sure of was that he'd be free, and this sense of relief made him formidable.

The rookie hunter continued to watch from afar, immersed in the bush, he was amused with the way that Krait gained the upper hand, but now that the demon is free, he knew with certitude that Krait would die if this continued, he looked at the trees where the sniper positioned himself, he was intrigued to know the sniper's plan of action, but for the moment the sniper was immobile, quiet as night.

As he leaped towards Krait, Cross took out his scythe, Silva, and slashed throw thin air, his blow was enough to propel two of the snakes, the third one was heavier, he clashed onto krait with his foot, a kick that Krait was barely able to block with both his hands, with both hands occupied, Krait was wide open for Cross, who delivered sideways, a sideways punch to the gut with mammoth force, Krait's ribs broke as he spat blood, and before he can even process his own pain, the punch was followed with an even more fearsome kick, Krait was flying in the air like tree leaves, the proceedings were too fast for him to comprehend, he fell back-first onto a rock, and snakes started fleeing from his robe in a frenzy.

As much as he would like to deny it, Krait was massively out of his league, he made fatal mistakes, the first was deciding to fight Cross one-on-one, the second was declaring his intentions to Cross instead of proceeding implicitly, which is surprising considering his otherwise shady character, and the third, was fighting an infinitely more powerful opponent in an open field, which is beyond amateur, especially considering his level of experience, all this taken into account proves a sad truth, the truth that Krait did not come here to win, he came to fight and die, which was, in all honesty, disappointing, to say the least.

As cross approached slowly the beaten-down Krait, it was clear in the atmosphere that this clash was over, Cross confidently walking towards his broken opponent did not seem to stir any emotion in him, not even fainting pride, it was more and more clear that Krait has completely relaxed and surrendered himself to his enemy, for the first time his gaze did not carry malice, Cross stood above his body the knelt on one knee

   '' Boa Krait, is it? ''
 Krait did not answer, he just stared.
   '' I do not think I will remember you '' said Cross, calmly, then he stood up, touched the blade of his scythe, then in a heartbeat, he stroke, the speed with which he manipulated his scythe was admirable, but his strike did not reach flesh, it was blocked mid-air and dust from the shear collision obscured vision, Krait could not have blocked it, he lacked both the strength and will, it was the rookie, he managed to block the scythe but the weight of the thrust nearly put him to his knee.

The fog was still up, slowly clearing, Cross decided not to wait to see what happened, he made the decision and struck again like thunder, this second strike did put the rookie indeed to his knee, as the dust cleared and Cross could make the shape of the rookie, he was already preparing his third hit, he lifted his scythe sky high and called upon the demons, and before he could bring down doom, he was hit.  


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