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Showing posts from May, 2020

Daldoum 3

Daldoum 1

So, since when have you known him? Since when do I know him? I've known him since he was born. Longer than that actually, I've known him since long before. We share a union sealed in the old ways. In a way, our bond is limitless. I've waited for him to get to this world for a hundred moons, and I suspect he's waited for me for a while himself. The day he was born, I was almost as close to him as his mother. His first heartbeat was the sound of my liberty. He drew breath and my lungs expanded, He cried and I listened with the utmost joy. I've been by his side for so long that there is nobody else in my mind but him. I was consumed by him, devoured, obliterated, my being annihilated by him. Those days, our relationship was a most peculiar one.  How was your relationship with him on his first days? It is not easy to put into words what is not meant to be described. Our relationship is not meant for words or poems. A language can not encompass us. He...

Daldoum 2

Shall we resume? Of course. What would you like to know next? Your description of your relationship with Nile confuses me. Do you wish him well or ill? I see why you would be confused. It is a subtle notion to wrap your head around.  You see. I was created and I exist solely because the woman wished misery upon him. My presence in itself is the seal to that misery. As long as I am by his side, He will never know joy.  However, I am, for all intents and purposes, alive. And incumbent upon that is free will. I do have a soul and I am free to think and feel, and to some extent, even act, freely. You see, his misery is not caused by something I do. It is caused by my mere existence. That must be a difficult situation for you, to cause such pain to the one you love  Indeed it is. and it is truly my greatest regret. I'd give my life in a heartbeat to see his smile. I've never seen it. Why don't you do that? forgive me if it is too confrontation...