Just before he could come down on the two hunters with all his might, Cross was Hit in the chest with a projectile, a 10 cm long bullet fired by the sniper. The dust around the rookie and the old snake was clearing up, the projectile took Cross completely by surprise which gave the two a couple of supplementary seconds, which they could have either used for escaping or otherwise, now, if logic is to be followed here, the best possible course of action would have been to use these precious seconds to escape, which would have been entirely possible, the old snake was as light as a feather, the youngster was fast on his feet as demonstrated by him blocking the demon's attack at near point black, they could raise more dust to obscure vision and dash away from doom, it is feasible, logical, in fact, this, any other day, would have been a no-brainer, for the rookie as well as the snake, but not today. Now, this rookie was a peculiar spirit, his way of perceiving situations and...
Short stories about bounty hunters